Monday, October 6, 2008

God Chose You!

"You did not choose Me, but I chose you, and appointed you, that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask of the Father in My name, He may give to you." John 15:16

"American Idol" has been for some time now the leading talent show in thew country. The TV Reality show's concept is to have the American people choose who they believe to be the best singer in America. The winner actually carries the title and name of American Idol!

My point is not to tear down the show, music or gifted and talented artists. Being one who has grown up in a musical family, I have a love and respect for musicianship. Having said that, I do have a problem with the self absorbed, fleshly focus that the term "Idol" communicates to young kids who can be mislead. What is an Idol?

"The Webster Dictionary defines an idol as
1: a representation or symbol of an object of worship; broadly : a false god.
2: a likeness of something, pretender, impostor
3: a form or appearance visible but without substance ; also : ideal 2
5: a false conception : fallacy

Sure, one can argue that the title of "Idol" is harmless and simply denotes the cleaver labeling and selling/marketing genius of TV producers. On the other hand, according to this definition, it can communicate a subtle message of adoration and praise toward the one who is looked at like a god to be idolized by all. 

I find it encouraging that the Bible says that God, the uncreated Creator, actually appointed and chose us. His criteria, unlike the judges on the American idol show, does not include being the best, polished, most good-looking and gifted person in the bunch.

Did you know that Father’s activity determined the Son’s direction and motivation. We get to see what God is doing, then decide to join Him.  John 5:19-20 "....the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing...."

Our approach is to realize that it does not matter what capacities or abilities we possess, or what we think we can do for God. God said that He “chose the weak things of the world… and the base things of the world and the things that are despised…. and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence. 1 Corinthians 1:27-29. 

God is not looking for the next American Idol, He is simply looking for you, just like you are. It doesn't depend on numbers, status, looks, skills, talent or even resources. The future will be shaped by God through His people! He will do amazing things in and through His people as we learn to rest in Him and enjoy an intimate relationship with Him. 

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Living His Secret Ambition!

"Then Jesus said to His disciples, 'If any of you wants to be My follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross, and follow Me. If you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for Me, you will find true life. And how do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul in the process. Is anything worth more than your soul?"
Matthew 16:24-26

As I read this passage I was quickly reminded by Father that the world is filled with sefishly ambitious people. Hollywood celebrities and professional athletes have fame, fortune, respect and better opportunities for now. The successful business man or woman has power, prestige and perks for now. The problem is not ambition or the success of these careers, but people driven by selfish ambition with little or no regard for God.

Did you know that God can move us from selfish ambition to Christ Centered ambition? We can live a life that has greater purpose and is more fulfilling because we live our lives in relationship with the living God. How can we experience this radical change from selfish ambition to Christ centered ambition?

Jesus tells us to be willing to shoulder our cross. The cross signifies death. We can learn to live with His best in the forefront of our minds and hearts. This means that we can identify with Christ in His rejection, shame, suffering, death and resurrection.

In the next verse we learn that trying to hold onto our life and dreams, for our own selfish gain, can lead to losing everything in the end that really matters.

As Christians we learn that life is not to be ultimately about us and our agendas, but about God and His agenda. We actually live and work to leave this world not live and work to stay. We, like our Lord, can live being about our Father's business. We get to give up our selfish ambitions, which are hollow and short-lived, for the glory of the Living God who reigns forever and ever.

Finally, the climax of this passage. Jesus says, what does it matter if you are the greatest, richest, most well known and admired person at your job, your ministry, in your community or on the planet and yet lose your soul at the same time? In other words, you have been duped and end up with nothing of eternal value!

Imagine wasting all of your life building your personal empire, collecting, climbing, and achieving only to die poor in spirit while taking nothing with you into eternity with Father. Jesus ends this passage by asking a thought provoking, staggering rhetorical question. Is anything worth more than your soul? The answer is absolutely not!

I think our Lord is graciously offering us an eternal perspective so that we might seriously consider who we are living from (His Life) and what are we living for (His Purposes). We can actually live His secret ambition today and every day!

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Taking The Worry Out of Your Life!

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

Have you ever gone through a trial or situation where you have felt completely out of control and powerless regarding the outcome? If so you probably are no stranger to that scary nervous feeling in the pit of your gut. Isn't it so easy to worry and think the worst during those times? We start rehearsing in our minds all the things that could go wrong.

Soon doubt and fear come crashing in like a whirlwind . We tend to doubt Father's goodness, we doubt that we'll ever see the light at the end of the tunnel. From these times we learn and relearn that life is not always fair, but God is always good.

I remember a time in my life when my family and I were neck deep in dealing with our health care provider regarding the loss of our medical coverage.

As I sought Father and His wisdom to know His heart regarding this matter, He spoke these words of comfort over and over to my spirit. "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Doing this allows us to experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

In this passage Paul reminds us not to worry about anything. In the Greek, the word worry or anxious means "To be pulled in different directions." The Old English root from which we get our word "worry" means to strangle. Paul knew that the enemy would use worry to pull our minds and hearts in different directions while strangling the life out of us.

Paul encourages us instead to pray to Father. Talking to Father with a heart of adoration, devotion and worship will allow us to experience intimacy with Him. Soon we will find ourselves thanking Him for who He is and all that He has done. Talking to Father turns our focus from our problem to our awesome God and Father and His power.

It's in prayer, (talking to Him) that we are reminded how much He loves and cares for us. Soon we find that resting in Him is better than knowing the outcome of our problem. In this passage Father promises His presence which brings a peace that satisfies us in ways that we cannot began to understand. The peace of God will actually guard, protect and empower our hearts and our minds, in Christ Jesus.

Our peace is In Christ, our hope is In Christ, our joy is In Christ, our power is In Christ, our battles are won In Christ. Jesus brings perfect peace in the midst of persecution, trials or troubles. How? By giving us Himself! Jesus offers us Himself in exchange for our uncertain future caused by unwanted trials and troubles. What a beautiful friend and savior we have in Jesus.

Then the passage encourages us to thank Him for all that He has done. Let me share one practical way to do this. When you are being tempted to worry and fret about your circumstances, trials and life, take a sheet of paper and pen and walk through your house writng down everything you have.

Why write it down? Because when we write it down we can label it, and what we can label we can iteract with intentionally. I have found that things get much more clear and precise when we write them down. In other words, nothing becomes dynamic until it becomes specific!

Then you can recount the faithfullness of God while being reminded of the many prayers that were answered that we tend to forget during the business of our lives.

So how are you doing this week? Are you tempted to worry because you are facing a crises or a problem that threatens your hope, your joy, your future or maybe your very life? Paul would remind you that Jesus offers you Himself in exchange for those awful feelings of being strangled and pulled in different directions.

Father's promise to you is that He, Himself, will guard your heart and your mind as you live in Christ Jesus

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