Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Taming The Tongue!

Do you remember how hurtful the name calling on the playground could be?  For many it left them feeling embarrassed and deeply lonely.  We know that loneliness can cling to your heart like a wet sheet on a cold night! 

In order to protect ourselves we would learn a playground anthem.  The anthem went like this.  “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”!  Although it felt good to utter those words in the moment, yet it really never delivered the comfort or protection we had hoped for. The truth is we can recover from the bruises of sticks and stones, but harsh words can penetrate deep into our souls and walk with us for the rest of our lives.  

James would remind us to continue to rely upon Christ to have the power not to say words that tear down and destroy one another.  When speaking ask Christ if what I'm about to say will meet the NEED of the person I'm talking to.

·      N- is it necessary to say this?
·      E- Will this encourage them?
·      E- Will what I say edify them?
·      D- Will it dignify them? Col. 4:6; 1Peter3:9; Matthew 12:36

James illustrates the powerful influence of the tongue. “The bit and the horse”, A very small bit can turn a strong powerful animal.  “The rudder and the Ship” There are three reasons ships were hard to control back then.  They were very large, driven by strong winds, and were steered by a very small rudder. The rudder was a small blade on the end of a tiller, extending through a form of oarlock from the rear of the ship.  Compared to the size of the vessel and the power of the gale, the rudder was but a minute part; yet it guided the ship “wherever the pilot wanted to go. 

The tongue is also able to sway multitudes.   It can alter the destinies of nations “The spark and the forest” Thousands of acres of valuable timber may be devastated by a small spark. Likewise the tongue can control or destroy precious people made in the image of God
James speaks of A flame of fire” The inflammatory tongue has turned brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor, nation against nation.  It is as though all the wickedness in the whole world were wrapped up in that little piece of flesh.  James says the tongue can be both destructive and corrupting to the whole person.  The result is that it sets our whole life on fire.  The satanic force literally comes from hell. Valley of Hinnom a spot south of Jerusalem where the city was deposited and burned.
Finally James refers to nature again to make God’s point.  Can fresh and salt water come from the same spring?  He is saying no way! James concludes his talk of the tongue by going behind the physical organ to the real source of speech.  He asks, “Can a fig tree bear olives”?  A plant produces according to its nature, whether figs, grapes, or any other fruit.  So it is with “a salt spring”.  It cannot produce fresh water because it is not a fresh water spring. Therefore, out of the mouth of a surrendered person come helpful words; out the mouth of a fleshly person come hurtful words. 
Our privilege is to allow Christ to guide our tongue and speech.  I love what it says in Ephesians.  Let your words be seasoned with Grace.... In Proverbs’ we read, “Like apples of Gold in settings of silver are words spoken in the right circumstances.”  May we be a people who words bring healing to others.  For the glory of His name!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Praying When It Hurts!

Have you ever gone through a trial or crisis where you have felt completely out of control and powerless regarding the outcome? If so, you probably are no stranger to that scary nervous feeling in the pit of your gut. Isn't it so easy to worry and think the worst during those times? 

We start rehearsing in our minds all the things that could go wrong. Satan comes in like a whirlwind to sow seeds of doubt and fear. We tend to doubt Father's goodness; we doubt that we'll ever see light at the end of the tunnel. 

From these times we learn and relearn that life is bigger than we are and is not always fair, but God is always good. Father has given us His wisdom to know His heart during these scary times. He has spoken these words of comfort over and over again. "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 

In this passage, Paul reminds us not to worry about anything. The word worry or anxious in the Greek, means, to be pulled in different directions. The Old English root from which we get our word "worry" means to strangle. Paul knew that the enemy would use worry to pull our minds and hearts in different directions while strangling the life out of us. Paul encourages us instead to pray to Father. 

Talking to Father will allow us to experience intimacy with Him. Soon we will find ourselves thanking Him for who He is, and all that He has done. Talking to Father turns our focus from our problem to our awesome God and Father. It's in talking with Father that we are reminded how much He loves and cares for us. Soon we find that resting while trusting in Him is better than knowing the outcome or the answer to our problem. 

In this passage Father promises His presence which brings a peace that satisfies us in ways that we cannot began to understand. His peace will actually guard, protect and empower our hearts and our minds, in Christ Jesus. Our peace is In Christ, our hope is In Christ, our joy is In Christ, our power is In Christ, and our battles are won In Christ. 

Jesus brings perfect peace in the midst of persecution, difficulty, trials or troubles. How? Because the peace He gives us is Himself! Jesus offers us Himself in exchange for our uncertain future caused by unwanted and uninvited trials and troubles. What a beautiful Friend and Savior we have in Jesus. 

Are you facing a crisis or a problem that threatens your hope, your joy, your future or maybe your very life? Paul would remind you that Jesus offers you Himself in exchange for those awful feelings of being strangled and pulled in different directions. Father's promise to you is that He, Himself, will guard your heart and your mind as you rest and trust in Christ Jesus. 

© Bobby Allen All Rights Reserved 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Motherly Love of Our Father!

Do you remember the story of Moses and his mom in Exodus 2:1-10? How she gave her son away to protect Him from danger? She placed Him in a basket and sent him down the river entrusting him fully to God. By God's sovereignty, He allowed Pharaoh's daughter to find the baby Moses crying and miraculously in His mercy and love God allows Moses' mom to nurse him after all, even in the safety of Pharaoh and is wife.

Like Moses' mom.....

1. Trust God to allow you to see His hand on your children.

Even if it puts your life at risk, as it did for Moses' mom. It is crucial that we realize that our children are marked by the hand of God. That they are unique and precious to God, just like they are. Remind your child every day who they are in Christ and who's they are. That they are one of a kind. They have designer genes. They are not one in a million, they are one in 6 billion! That it really matters to God that they wake up each morning. This will give them a wonderful, blessed, opportunity to see themselves through the eyes of God, as they grow up in a world where right is wrong and wrong is right. As they grow up learning to live from their identity in Christ, soon we began to instill in them this next application.

2. Believe that God has a special miraculous purpose for their lives.

Your kids can live their lives on purpose, not on accident. God is working in their lives and nothing will prevent Him from completing the work He has begun in their lives. Not their wrong choices or their bad decisions, not even the ugly mistakes that we are very sorry for as parents. Remind them daily that Jeremiah 29:11 is an application promise from God for their lives. "For I know the plans that I have for you declares the Lord, plans to give you a future and a hope, not to hurt you but to help you." Then we can with confidence exercise His faith to believe Him for this next application.

3. Entrust and surrender each child back to God.

Trust that God will sovereignly take care of each one of your precious kids in His way and in His timing. Remember moms that your child came through you, but from God. He delicately wove them in your womb. He knew everything about your child long before they were conceived. They are beautifully and wonderfully made. This will encourage your child and position them to serve the Lord all the days of their lives.

Parents always be available to let Father pour through your life His never ending forgiveness, mercy, patience and love towards your kids, no matter how bad their behavior has been or what they have done. Remember that the best thing you can do for your children is to love your God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength. You will parent your child according to your experience of being parented by God in your own life. Your kids don't need you to be a perfect parent, they simply need a parent that will allow God to parent them through you as you enjoy Him yourself.

May we rest in the motherly love of our heavenly Father!

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The Greatest Lover!

"I am the vine, you are the branches, if you abide in Me and I in you then you can bear much fruit, for apart from Me you can do NOTHING!" John 15 :1-5

Have you ever tried to sum up in one sentence all that God is really trying to say to every one of us on the planet? I did recently and I came up with this. "My children, love me and love people!"

Maybe you're thinking is that it? Yes! In 66 books, that were written by 40 different authors in a period of 1600 years, that is it. Love me and love people! God wants to pour His love (Himself) in us and through us to others!

Jesus told us to, "Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself."

He also said, You will know My children by their Love, for one another. Notice that He didn't say you will know my children by their giftedness, anointing, passion, their deep spiritual truths, miracles, ministry, impact, speaking ability. etc. He said "You will know My kids by their love.

Why is this so simple, yet so incredibly difficult to do? Because, we can't love, trusting in our own resources.  Thats why Jesus said, ..... for apart from Me you can do NOTHING!

God's nature and character is one of love. We all know John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He Gave.... The world longs to see and the church longs to experience the love of God living through a host of people who intimately know Jesus as their Lord, Savior and Life!

Can you imagine what it would feel like, what positive impact it would make on the Church, our society, our country and our world, if we all lived with the understanding that nothing matters more than loving God with all of our hearts, then experiencing His love personally in us and through us to others?

God has given us everything we need for life and Godliness to live this life of love, by giving us His son who now lives inside of us. Learning to live out of our identity and our union in Christ, is the key to enjoying this life of love.

Imagine exchanging our weakness for His strength, our impatience for His patience, our insufficiency for His sufficiency, so that we can practically experience this life of love and all its relational benefits.

No matter how tough the relationships get or how difficult your circumstances are with friends, family, co-workers or at church, the answer will always be to choose to let Christ love through you. I always say, "When in doubt love your way out."

Why is living a life of love so important? Because, without love, we are nothing.

Paul said it this way to the Corinthian believers in 1 Corinthians 13:1-8

"If I speak in the tongues of men and or angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge... but have not love I am nothing...and if I have the faith that can move mountains, but have not love I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor... but have not love, I gain nothing. If I were burned alive for preaching the gospel, but didn't love others, it would be of no value what so ever!"

In other words, Paul is saying, I can have the eloquence of an orator. I can have the knowledge of a genius. I can have the faith of a miracle worker. I can have the generosity of a philanthropist. I can have the dedication of a martyr. But, if I don't love, it just doesn't matter. It equals NOTHING! Life - Christ's love = 0

So what do you think my friend? Shall we surrender to Father and allow His Son to live in us and through as the greatest lover the world has ever seen or known.

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Help In Time Of Need!

So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it.  Hebrews 4:16

Have you ever awaken in the morning feeling lonely, sad, or empty? Thinking how can I feel this way I'm not even officially awake yet, let alone begun my day. Isn't it true that loneliness can cling to your heart like a wet sheet on a cold night?

What if some of these feelings we experience from time to time are used by God to bring us to a place of desperate dependence upon Him. He may allow us to feel the emptiness in trusting in or living for anything or anyone more than He.

It's times like these that we are often tempted to depend upon survival strategies that we have invented throughout our lives in order to make the pain go away and our lives better. Soon we realize that these strategies have a short shelve life, and the promises they made to us were in vain and worthless.

If you can relate to these feelings at, be encouraged, because I have great news for you. God offers us to come boldly into His throne room of GRACE to find help in our time of need. There are several encouraging thoughts from this verse that I hope will bless you.

First Father says, it's a throne of grace, not a throne room of perfection, rules or laws to uphold. Then He says, You will find a gracious God waiting for you. He also says that He wants you to come be with Him. Why? Because He loves you so very much. He says, "I'm safe!" Notice His invitation is to come boldly. The idea here is that of one walking into a room feeling deeply loved, completely forgiven, fully pleasing, totally accepted, and absolutely complete in Christ. One who actually belongs there with the living God.

Then He says, when you get there you will find mercy, and grace to help you, not to hurt you, in your time of need. Grace is getting what we don't deserve. Mercy is not getting what we do deserve. That my friend is a safe place to be. In the very presence of a loving, gentle, gracious and merciful Father.

Would you go to Him today? He's waiting for you. He longs to be merciful and gracious to you.

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Monday, October 6, 2008

God Chose You!

"You did not choose Me, but I chose you, and appointed you, that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask of the Father in My name, He may give to you." John 15:16

"American Idol" has been for some time now the leading talent show in thew country. The TV Reality show's concept is to have the American people choose who they believe to be the best singer in America. The winner actually carries the title and name of American Idol!

My point is not to tear down the show, music or gifted and talented artists. Being one who has grown up in a musical family, I have a love and respect for musicianship. Having said that, I do have a problem with the self absorbed, fleshly focus that the term "Idol" communicates to young kids who can be mislead. What is an Idol?

"The Webster Dictionary defines an idol as
1: a representation or symbol of an object of worship; broadly : a false god.
2: a likeness of something, pretender, impostor
3: a form or appearance visible but without substance ; also : ideal 2
5: a false conception : fallacy

Sure, one can argue that the title of "Idol" is harmless and simply denotes the cleaver labeling and selling/marketing genius of TV producers. On the other hand, according to this definition, it can communicate a subtle message of adoration and praise toward the one who is looked at like a god to be idolized by all. 

I find it encouraging that the Bible says that God, the uncreated Creator, actually appointed and chose us. His criteria, unlike the judges on the American idol show, does not include being the best, polished, most good-looking and gifted person in the bunch.

Did you know that Father’s activity determined the Son’s direction and motivation. We get to see what God is doing, then decide to join Him.  John 5:19-20 "....the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing...."

Our approach is to realize that it does not matter what capacities or abilities we possess, or what we think we can do for God. God said that He “chose the weak things of the world… and the base things of the world and the things that are despised…. and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence. 1 Corinthians 1:27-29. 

God is not looking for the next American Idol, He is simply looking for you, just like you are. It doesn't depend on numbers, status, looks, skills, talent or even resources. The future will be shaped by God through His people! He will do amazing things in and through His people as we learn to rest in Him and enjoy an intimate relationship with Him. 

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Living His Secret Ambition!

"Then Jesus said to His disciples, 'If any of you wants to be My follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross, and follow Me. If you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for Me, you will find true life. And how do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul in the process. Is anything worth more than your soul?"
Matthew 16:24-26

As I read this passage I was quickly reminded by Father that the world is filled with sefishly ambitious people. Hollywood celebrities and professional athletes have fame, fortune, respect and better opportunities for now. The successful business man or woman has power, prestige and perks for now. The problem is not ambition or the success of these careers, but people driven by selfish ambition with little or no regard for God.

Did you know that God can move us from selfish ambition to Christ Centered ambition? We can live a life that has greater purpose and is more fulfilling because we live our lives in relationship with the living God. How can we experience this radical change from selfish ambition to Christ centered ambition?

Jesus tells us to be willing to shoulder our cross. The cross signifies death. We can learn to live with His best in the forefront of our minds and hearts. This means that we can identify with Christ in His rejection, shame, suffering, death and resurrection.

In the next verse we learn that trying to hold onto our life and dreams, for our own selfish gain, can lead to losing everything in the end that really matters.

As Christians we learn that life is not to be ultimately about us and our agendas, but about God and His agenda. We actually live and work to leave this world not live and work to stay. We, like our Lord, can live being about our Father's business. We get to give up our selfish ambitions, which are hollow and short-lived, for the glory of the Living God who reigns forever and ever.

Finally, the climax of this passage. Jesus says, what does it matter if you are the greatest, richest, most well known and admired person at your job, your ministry, in your community or on the planet and yet lose your soul at the same time? In other words, you have been duped and end up with nothing of eternal value!

Imagine wasting all of your life building your personal empire, collecting, climbing, and achieving only to die poor in spirit while taking nothing with you into eternity with Father. Jesus ends this passage by asking a thought provoking, staggering rhetorical question. Is anything worth more than your soul? The answer is absolutely not!

I think our Lord is graciously offering us an eternal perspective so that we might seriously consider who we are living from (His Life) and what are we living for (His Purposes). We can actually live His secret ambition today and every day!

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