"Wounds from a friend are better than many kisses from an enemy" Proverbs 27:6.
Isn’t it true that most of us long to be a good friend and long to have a good friend. I have been asking Father again what is a true friend? What makes a true friend?
I believe that it is wise to ask Father to make known to us, who are the friends authorized from Him to be in our lives. Life is too short, friendships are too important to not hear from God on this.
To have the wrong people/friends in our inner circle could lead to unauthorized hurt and pain in our life. Authorized friendships from Father, although at times can be filled with pain and disappointment, can be the most blessed and wonderful times in our lives.
It is important to differentiate between acquaintances and friendships. Acquaintances are those fun people we boat with, barbeque with, go to the movies with etc.. but don’t talk to too much or hang out with on a daily basis. These are good to have also.
But friendships are those people in our lives that are there day in and day out through thick and thin. Good times or bad times. These people have been tested and tried through the fire of life’s trials with you and never leave you, while always believing in what Father is doing in you and your friendship together.
So let me ask you; how many friends do you really have? Are you somebody else’s true friend? Let’s look into the passage.
"Wounds from a friend are better... First a true friend is one who loves you enough to take risks with you. The risk of telling you the truth with love even if it might hurt or be hard to swallow at first. In other words a true friend, at times, will deliver wounds.
The wounds of honesty, love, openness, or boldness regardless of how much fear there is of losing the friend or their good opinion of you. The wounds of a friend are for your benefit, not their protection.
It’s also important to know that true friendship can only come from being a friend of God. The security and freedom that comes from knowing Jesus, enables us to love ourselves and others.
The awesome thing about being secure in Father’s love is that we are then free to love others and be true friends. We no longer require from others what only God can give us.
On the other hand, an acquaintance may take the safer, easier, selfish, self-protecting way. In this text it is phrased as the "kisses" of an enemy. In other words beware of the "FRIEND" who always complements you, who never gets angry with you, who always agrees with you.
He/she seems afraid to tell you the truth for fear of losing your friendship, respect, or your good opinion of them. Remember this person hides behind their kisses for you.
Are you used by Father to take risks by delivering Christ Centered loving wounds out of sincere love for your friends. Or are you the "FRIEND" that hides behind the kisses of deceit and self protection?
Are we the true friend who brings loving wounds from time to time? Or are we the enemy who brings kisses and hugs, pretending to be a friend?
Isn’t Father so awesome that He would desire to empower us with the life of His Son so we can become the Christ-centered friend that would bring glory to Him and blessing to one another? The more we live in Christ-centered relationships, the safer the environment for our friendships to develop.
In Christ we all have the potential to be the most blessed friend from God. Remember it is Jesus’ love in us and through us that makes us a good friend. His life in and through us that creates opportunities to be the friend that blesses others.
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