Saturday, April 5, 2008

Wanting Jesus More Than Anything!

"...I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord..." Philippians 3:8

Larry Crabb in his book "The Pressure's Off" says,"Do you believe the key to being a blessed christian is praying and seeking God so you can have a better life filled with good things that make you happy, anointed and blessed? I think many of us have this formula somewhere in our minds that says,"Choose what you want out of life, figure out what you have to do to get it, then follow the rules."

He goes on to say that "If you want to be spiritual, practice spiritual disciplines? Do you want this crises with your son to go away? Consult with a second counselor who specializes in adolescence." These are not bad in themselves, but be careful that the enemy and/or the flesh does not make your goal to get your life together, instead of resting in Jesus and enjoying a relationship with Him no matter what the cost.

His final argument ends with these penetrating words, "We all want our lives to work well, to become better than they are or to remain as good as they are. When that desire becomes our goal. the objective we most value, then we like to believe that there’s an A we can do that will lead to the B we want. The result is our lives become a sustained effort to discover and follow whatever principles will provide a life that lets us feel pretty good".

I believe that walking with and loving Jesus is realizing that what you most want is beyond your reach, and you’re trusting God for the satisfaction you seek. You want Him. Nothing less, not even His blessings will do. Do we love Jesus for Jesus?

Or do we love Him for what He does for our lives, blessings, power over sin, a better marriage etc.? Would we still serve and love Him with all our hearts if He never answered another prayer?

May these words challenge us to rest in Jesus. That our number one priority would be to love Him over anything else this life could offer.

(Credit given and adapted from Larry Crabbs book "The Pressure's Off")


Joel Brueseke said...

Amen! Our goal is not to get our lives together, but to know Jesus. Jesus said that those who rest in Him will bear fruit. Our concern is resting in Him. His concern is making His life flow through us and producing His very own fruit in and through us.

Welcome to the world of blogging! I hope and pray for this blog to be a great encouragement for many many people.

Bobby Allen said...

Thanks bro! It's awesome living and leading from His life isn't it?

Have an awesome night brother.